Alumni to Alumni Mentoring Program 

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Build professional relationships that matter

The Alumni to Alumni Mentoring Program (AAMP) has been built to assist busy professionals who are eager to participate in flash mentoring (30-minute career conversations) online. We utilise advanced smart-matching technology to connect mentors and mentees and the program offers continuous support throughout every phase of your career.

Become a mentor

Develop your coaching style and grow your leadership skills when it suits you, all while giving back to your alumni community. The flash mentoring style means your expertise is only needed for a 30-minute conversation at a frequency that suits you.

Once you’ve completed your profile, you will only show up in search results for mentees who align with your expertise and coaching interests, which means you can have meaningful conversations with less effort.

Grow your network, enhance your skills and support your peers.

Register as a mentor

Find a mentor

With our smart-matching technology, you don’t have to do the hard work to connect with an alumnus with similar interests or career objectives. Our platform will seamlessly connect you with the right mentor from our community of over 300,000 graduates and you can even choose whether you want to work with a local or international mentor.

By using flash mentoring (30-minute career conversations), you are not locked in for the long term like traditional mentoring. You’re also in control of when you’re available, with scheduling tools built in to minimise the busy work of making and managing appointments with your mentor.

Register as a mentee    

Mentoring has always been a passion of mine. Every individual has a unique journey to share. I aim to inspire and to also be inspired by the people I work with.

Dez Sellin-Mcwatters (Graduated in 2015)

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